Northern Colorado Septic Tank Services

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The Dirty Truths (and Myths) About Septic Tanks

You may be familiar with common septic tank problems and how they can be fixed. But do you understand the greater issues than can develop from these complications if they go unrepaired?

To protect the health and safety of yourself, your family and the environment that surrounds your property, get the facts about your septic tank. We’ve provided some common truths and myths for you to understand, but if you have any other questions, give us a call!

  1. Your septic tank system does not require routine maintenance. – MYTH!

    Without annual inspections and maintenance, complications can easily arise, causing your septic tank’s lifespan to decrease. You should get your septic tank pumped every 1-3 years based on the size of the system and how many people use it. Save yourself thousands of dollars on repairs and replacements that can easily be avoided through regular maintenance!
  2. Bacteria additives are necessary to break down solid wastes in your septic tank. – TRUTH! Your septic system takes in several anti-bacterial cleaners and chemicals daily. It’s important to utilize bacteria additives to refill a healthy volume of bacteria for your septic tank. Even with bacteria additives, make sure you are still getting the tank routinely pumped. These additives make sure it functions properly, but they do not surpass the need to pump the system!
  1. Flushing anything down your drain will not cause damage to your septic tank. – MYTH! Whatever you put into your septic tank will end up in your drain field. With that being said, take precautions in properly disposing of hazardous wastes to keep your family and environment healthy. Avoid flushing household chemicals at all costs. Not only can they threaten your health if you dispose of them incorrectly and in excessive amounts, but they can also damage your septic tank system by killing off necessary bacteria.
  1. You can rid of all septic system problems solely through regular maintenance of your tank. – MYTH! By getting your septic tank pumped routinely, you are helping to prevent future problems with your system and identify current issues. But pumping your tank will not fix all of its problems, such as drain field failure.
  2. The average lifespan of your septic tank system is 20-30 years. – TRUTH! If properly maintained, your septic tank should last this long. Some septic tank systems have been known to last up to 50 years depending on usage and regular care, whereas others have been known to last only one year due to lack of maintenance and improper care.
  3. Your garbage disposal cannot harm your septic tank. – MYTH!

    Garbage disposals will increase the amount of solid waste that goes into your septic system to be decomposed. In addition to these, large volumes of water and water softeners can increase the amount of wastewater that needs to be processed. Avoid water softeners, high volumes of water, household chemicals and garbage disposal usage excessively to reduce wear and tear for your septic system.
  4. Your septic tank will work correctly no matter how much water you use. – MYTH! If too much water is flushed into your septic tank, it can become overworked and congested easily. Water conservation is extremely vital to a properly operating septic system!